Saturday, March 7, 2015

Trial Week - Day 2

I'm late in m y update.  Thursday was the second day of trial week.  It was more challenging than day one.  Our night had a lot of jump roping, which I like and am average at, but it also had a lot of renegade rows and push ups.  What is a renegade row you ask?

Basically, you hold yourself in a push-up, pull one arm with a dumbbell up, do a push-up, pull the other arm up, do a push-up, repeat.  Its prone rows with push-ups in between each row.  I can do prone rows okay, but the push-ups are killers for me.  I struggled with this a lot. Its totally fine, that struggle means I was trying and as with anything else, in time and with work I will get better and stronger.  This is where that consistency will pay off.  A year ago, I couldn't put weight on my shoulder at all so progress is being made.

I know I said this before, but honestly the best part of working with a group of people like this is the support.  Especially a small group where the chance to really form a friendship and support system exists.  It reminds me of my old dance classes where my two friends and I were in classes together all week for years on end.  We knew each other so well and when we danced, we danced as if we were one person.  When Rachel mastered her triple pirouettes, I felt like I had done it.  One person's breakthrough moment is everyone's.  I have no doubt that this is where Tribe Training will lead.  Anyone who has been part of a team will understand this, those who haven't are in for a very terrific surprise.

Next Tuesday is the official start of Season One.  Each season lasts six weeks.  My goals include being able to do twenty push-ups in a row.  I can do ten, maybe twelve without stopping now.  This is definitely doable.  My other goal is to be able to do box jumps higher than the measly six inches or so.  I can do these higher now, but I have a crazy fear that is stopping me.  So one physical goal and one mental goal.  I'm not sure where this fear comes from, anytime I've tried to jump up higher I feel totally panic.  I'm talking stomach flipping, palm sweating, panic attack fear.  Its really odd.  I feel this exact same way when I get on an airplane.

Friday was Zumba with my sister.  I know there are fitness people out there who scoff at Zumba.  I've gone twice and its super fun.  Like, really fun.  You get out what you put in and it can be a good cardio workout if you really push it.  I think Zumba is a great first step towards healthy choices, a gateway to fitness.  For me, it was super fun because my sister was there and anything with Kathy is particularly awesome.  Now to try to get my other sister to join us!  Muahahahahah!

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