Thursday, March 26, 2015

Halfway Point

Tonight we finished week 3.  This marks our halfway point and what a crazy way to commemorate the moment.  I'm a little sick, I've had an upper respiratory infection for almost a week and it was really kicking my butt today and tonight.  I think its on its way out, but my lungs were burning tonight.  Had a moment where I wasn't sure about the relationship of gravity and floor vs ceiling and weightlessness.  Needless to say, I did my best and it wasn't that great.  Better than staying home thoug
Here's the weird thing about this.  I think I would have had to be on my death bed before entertaining the thought of not going tonight.  Its really that fun.  It hurts, its hard, it makes me question my own sanity, but I've yet to find more satisfaction in anything else I've done in a very, very long time.  When that workout is over and we're all just breathing and sweating... we're all smiling too.  

My initial goal for Tribe was to be able to complete 20 push-ups consecutively.  I'm halfway done and I can do this.  Is forty within reach?  Maybe thirty. Yeah, thirty.  I can do many more in the workout (I've done 90!) but all in a row is tough.  And then of course there are the super fun kind that has you jumping your arms in and out.  I'm still emotionally scarred.  I'll be okay.  I mean its not like we had to do Traveling Burpees or anything.  

Here, let me explain this for you.  Google a burpee if you aren't sure what I'm talking about and then say a prayer of thanks to whatever god you feel appropriate.  Okay, so you do that.  Then you take one giant leap forward and then  you do another one.  Just do that until the dark clothed man carrying a scythe starts tapping you on your shoulder.  Those were Traveling Burpees.  

This was a hard workout.  It was incredible that I could do half.  A year ago I couldn't have finished our warm-up.  As our sadistic leader says, "You need to do a season of Tribe to be fit enough to do Tribe."


To my fellow Punishers... you all kick ass.  Seriously, I count myself lucky to be a part of this and I wouldn't want anyone else with me on this.

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